Lakshmipriya was born and raised in Perak, Malaysia and currently lives in London. Previously a Human Capital Consultant, she has worked in Malaysia and Dubai. She recently completed her PhD in Cognitive and Organizational Psychology in the UK. She has co-authored a book on talent management and is currently working on a paper that investigates the influence of sex differences when perceiving people. When not absorbed in academic research, Lakshmipriya enjoys Netflixing and cooking.
On turning 33
By Lakshmipriya
This April, I will be 33 years old. In my early twenties, I was eager for each birthday to come. Eager to become an adult, eager to live independently, eager to take up more responsibilities, make money and live the grown-up life.
Fast forward to when I turned 30, I suddenly realised that there are still so many things that I have not achieved, and time was running out. I was experiencing a kind of a midi-life crisis and it was a terrifying and feeling.
Three years later, I believe I have a better understanding on the concept of time and how I treat life in general. My timeline does not necessarily have to align with what society expects of me and it’s totally okay to live life on my own terms.
I’ve learned to take the right/wrong dichotomy with a grain of salt. There is no better gift than another birthday. What could be better than the chance to be here, to keep living, to experience the ups and downs of life, the unexpected twists, and the comforting consistencies?
While it is certainly challenging to navigate through adulthood, I am happy to be adding another candle to my birthday cake!